Saturday 5 July 2014

POSTER WK 2: GENESIS: Myth, Legend, Saga

  1. Geneva Bible: During the reign of the Catholic Mary Tudor (1553-8) many English Protestants were charged with heresy and executed. Amongst those sentenced to death by burning were individuals associated with Bible translation such as Thomas Cramner and John Rogers.

  1. Myth: Garden of Eden and Creation (painting by Michelangelo). A Myth is a traditional story, especially one containing the early history of a people or explaining some natural or sociological phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings. 

  1. Saga: Joseph becomes a great man in Egypt Ia long story of heroic achievement). 

  1. Legend: Abraham taking Isaac to be sacrificed ( a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded  as historical but unauthenticated).

  1. Story: Jacob’s ladder by Marc Chagall

6. The Wednesday edition of the Evening News: GENESIS: MYTH, LEGEND, SAGA

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