Tuesday, 29 July 2014


  1.   Heaven & Earth are about to collide: Image from the movie “Deep Impact.”


  1. Stained glass image of Noah: represents an asteroid about to hit earth and cause another flood.
  2. The Wave: Famous classic Japanese painting of a great wave “tsunami.”
  3. The statue of Liberty: is almost submerged showing modern civilization under a giant flood.
  4. Young boy alone in a kayak: represents our reliance on youth to solve the problems they inherited from previous generations. 
  5. The Wednesday edition of the Evening News: announcing an asteroid on earth collision course represents the EfM class.

Thursday, 24 July 2014


  1. Statue of Justice: The Old Bailey, London UK
  1. Cain & Abel (murder): Renaissance painting Titian 1570

  1. Cain & Abel (occupations): John Reilly 1928

  1. Flight of Cain: Painting F. Cormon 1880

  1. Execute Justice not people button

6. The Wednesday edition of the Evening News: represents the EfM class theme: Poster Electrocution with “Yes” or “No” switch

Saturday, 19 July 2014


  1. Adam & Eve: Renaissance painting Lucas Cranach the Elder
  1. Eve Tempted by the serpent: Painting John Roddam

  1. Haida Creation story: Bill Reid (Museum of Anthropology Vancouver BC)

  1. Yin Yang (dragons): Chinese symbol for balance of polarities (Good and Evil)

  1. The Wednesday edition of the Evening News: represents the EfM class theme: Sigmund Freud (father of modern psychology) Sex & Guilt

Thursday, 17 July 2014


  1. Creation: Medieval painting of creation.

  1. Big Bang: Photograph of gaseous crab nebula (remnant of a supernova).

  1. Creation: Renaissance painting of creation (Michelangelo)

  1. Starry Night: Vincent Van Gogh (19th Century impressionist)

  1. Creation: Modern fantasy painting

  1. Images: Many moons and suns representing Time

  1. Volcanic eruption:  Representing the creation of the earth in the beginning.

8. The Wednesday edition of the Evening News: represents the EfM class theme: God separates the light from the darkness (Genesis)

Saturday, 5 July 2014

POSTER WK 2: GENESIS: Myth, Legend, Saga

  1. Geneva Bible: During the reign of the Catholic Mary Tudor (1553-8) many English Protestants were charged with heresy and executed. Amongst those sentenced to death by burning were individuals associated with Bible translation such as Thomas Cramner and John Rogers.

  1. Myth: Garden of Eden and Creation (painting by Michelangelo). A Myth is a traditional story, especially one containing the early history of a people or explaining some natural or sociological phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings. 

  1. Saga: Joseph becomes a great man in Egypt Ia long story of heroic achievement). 

  1. Legend: Abraham taking Isaac to be sacrificed ( a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded  as historical but unauthenticated).

  1. Story: Jacob’s ladder by Marc Chagall

6. The Wednesday edition of the Evening News: GENESIS: MYTH, LEGEND, SAGA

Wednesday, 2 July 2014


  1. Ancient Map of the Patriarchs: Paradise or the Garden of Eden (1671) 1691 Moxon, Joseph (1627-1691)

2.      Council of Jamnia: For a long time it was believed that the Hebrew Bible was closed at the end of the first century C. E. It was believed that a group of Rabbis made an official binding decision at a gathering known as “the Council of Jamnia.” Image: represents the Hebrew Bible.

  1. The Torah: Modern day reverence of the Torah outside the temple in Jerusalem.
    The Torah is the first of three parts of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), the founding religious document of Judaism, and is divided into five books, whose names in English are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, in reference to their themes (their Hebrew names, Bereshit, בראשית, Shmot שמות, Vayikra ויקרא, Bamidbar במדבר, and Dvarim דברים, are derived from the wording of their initial verses).

  1. Landscape: An oasis in the Land of Patriarchs.

5. The Wednesday edition of the Evening News: represents the EfM class "IN THE LAND OF THE PATRIARCHS."